In our first tutorial with Roy Mehta, we were challenged to create a lockdown-inspired self-portrait. I used my DSLR with flash and a tripod, deciding against the use of my continuous light because of the unwanted shadows. I used a black hole artist interpretation from Google images and used Photoshop to combine it with my washing machine. I dislike showing my face in serious self-portraits so I wore my blue lightning hoodie both to conceal and as a way to align with the colour palette. If I had more time, I would paint more detailed rim lights to enhance the illusion of blue light spilling on to me.
Metaphorically, this image is about wanting to sort of escape into the void, a yearning for a place where I don't have to keep up with the news or exist within a relentlessly chronological timeline. There is some humour in the fact that this deep, dark, heavy-concept imagery is coming out of something so mundane as a washing machine, and this ties into being stuck at home surrounded by domestic routine.
Here is V2 after I've taken more time to paint rim lights and added some vignette.
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